Fix your PCOS and improve all your symptoms in under 4 weeks!

Discover the Ultimate Coaching Program to Reverse Symptoms, Regain Control, and Embrace a Life of Balance and Confidence.

Are you fed up with PCOS ruining your life? 

I know how much it sucks, but it doesn't have to.

Fix your PCOS and improve all your symptoms in under 4 weeks!

Discover the Ultimate Healing Program to Reverse Symptoms, Regain Control, and Embrace a Life of Balance and Confidence.

Are you fed up of PCOS controlling your life? 

Do you wish you had the correct information to actually improve your symptoms? 

I had PCOS. Now I don’t. 
Let me show you how!

My Transformation Journey!

After 10 years of dedicating my life to understanding PCOS and what we need to heal, I managed to lose 40KG, clear my skin, boost my energy levels, reduce my cravings and completely reverse PCOS for good.

(And yes ladies, I did all of this while eating pizza and drinking wine!)



Have you been to your GP to be given the pill or told to just go home and lose weight? Did you leave feeling even more lost, confused and alone? 

Your doctor is not a PCOS expert and most are told to give you pills as they get commission. The Pharmaceutical world is amazing in so many ways, but it's also a money making machine and it's hard to know who to trust.

PCOS is a metabolic disorder and inflammatory condition that needs to be healed holistically. 

Birth control only acts as a plaster over a wound, creating more havoc and issues for your hormones.

We need to find the ROOT cause and make little lifestyle changes to see BIG improvements. PCOS does not need a strict diet. It doesn’t need hundreds of pills. It doesn’t need a quick fix solution. 

After 10 years and completely reversing the condition myself, I have the answer to finally break free from PCOS and reclaim your life with confidence, vitality and joy.


Doctors do not get fully trained on PCOS. They also only get 3-4 hours of BASIC nutrition in their degree. They are honestly told to just prescribe you medication and have no idea about what PCOS needs. The pharmaceutical world is very powerful, and it can be tough to know who to trust. Many doctors are on commission and need to prescribe a certain number of pills each year to be paid more. Bet you didn’t know that?

Does This Sound Relatable?

Your periods irregular or non-existent?

You look at pizza and put on weight?

You struggle to get out of bed in the mornings?

You don't like what you see in the mirror?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, 

This PCOS Party Ultimate Coaching Program is exactly what you need to understand how to look after your hormones and how you can start to reverse PCOS naturally, the right way. It’s full of advice and information that I would have loved to have available 10 years ago. 

The great thing for you is that you don’t have to take years of trial and error and spend money on qualifications to figure it out.

I’ve done all the work for you.

Does This Sound Relatable?

Your periods are irregular or non-existent?

You seem to put on weight just by thinking of pizza?

You struggle to get out of bed in the mornings?

You don't like what you see in the mirror?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, 

This PCOS Party Ultimate Coaching Program is exactly what you need to understand how to look after your hormones and how you can start to reverse PCOS naturally, the right way. It’s full of advice and information that I would have loved to have available 10 years ago. 

The great thing for you is that you don’t have to take years of trial and error and spend money on qualifications to figure it out.

I’ve done all the work for you.

Hi, I'm Georgie, aka G!

A Degree Qualified Nutritionist, Level 3 Personal Trainer, and Life coach specializing in PCOS. After suffering for 15 years, losing 40KG, clearing my skin and regulating my cycles, I am on a mission to help you become strong, confident, healthy, and happy – and live your best life.

P.s. I still drink wine, party, eat pizza and feel fantastic – which you can do too!

Let me help you love yourself again and be confident in your own skin.

We’ve only got one life so it's time to put yourself first and invest in your health today!

Georgie Ricks

Founder & Coach

Hi, I'm Georgie, 
aka G!

Founder & Coach

A Degree Qualified Nutritionist, Level 3 Personal Trainer, and Life coach specializing in PCOS. After suffering for 15 years, losing 40KG, clearing my skin and regulating my cycles, I am on a mission to help you become strong, confident, healthy, and happy – and live your best life.

P.s. I still drink wine, party, eat pizza and feel fantastic – which you can do too!

Let me help you love yourself again and be confident in your own skin.

We’ve only got one life so it's time to put yourself first and invest in your health today!


The PCOS Party Ultimate Healing Program, an overload of information diving into exactly what PCOS is, why we have it, how we can beat it, and reverse the nasty symptoms for good. 


This comprehensive program is designed exclusively for women like you who are ready to take control of their health, transform their bodies, and embrace a life of balance and happiness.

Here’s Exactly What You're Getting Inside The PCOS Party Ultimate Healing Program…
  • The Proven Weight Loss Strategy I Used To Lose 40KG! : I'll reveal the exact steps I've used to shed a huge amount of weight for myself and my clients consistently for the past 5 years (and keep it off!)
  • The Devastating Mistakes Made By Virtually All Ladies With PCOS: I'll show you exactly what to eat for your hormones and how you don't have to cut out the good stuff like pizza and wine!
  • 3 Simple Tips To Clear Acne, Improve Energy Levels And Regulate Your Cycles : These strategies can help you feel more energized, happier, and healthier YEARS faster than you ever thought possible
  • ​The Old Myths & Downright Lies Told By The Pharmaceutical Industry: Many people still believe that birth control is the answer when in fact it does more harm than good – find out why pills are not the answer and the dangers it can have on your health and fertility 
1. The Proven Weight Loss Strategies I’ve Used To lose 45KG! 

I'll reveal the bulletproof strategies I've used to shed a huge amount of weight for myself and my clients consistently for the past 5 years

2. The Devastating Mistakes Made By Virtually All Ladies With PCOS

I'll show you exactly what to eat for your hormones and how you don't have to cut out the good stuff like pizza and wine!

3. 3 Simple Tips To Clear Acne, Improve Energy Levels and Regulate Your Cycles 

These strategies can help you feel more energized, happier, and healthier YEARS faster than you ever thought possible

4. The Old Myths & Downright Lies Told By The Pharmaceutical Industry

Many people still believe that birth control is the answer when in fact it does more harm than good – find out why pills are not the answer and the dangers it can have on your health and fertility 

A Sneak-Peak Into Everything That’s Inside…

250+ PCOS super friendly recipes

62 lessons with the step by step process

100+ PCOS specific Workouts

PCOS Friendly Juice cleanses

PCOS Party Food To Enjoy & Avoid

PCOS Weight Loss Action Plan

A Nutrition Guide For Women With PCOS

My Top 3 PCOS Supplements

These PCOS PARTY COURSE Materials Have NEVER Been Released Before!
You'll Also Get Access To These Limited-Time BONUSES In Just For You!


Weekly Live Coaching Calls --- 

 Live Coaching and Q&A call every week, get answered to all your queries and doubts.


PCOS Party New Workout plans --
(Value $247)

Specifically designed workouts for PCOS that you can complete anywhere, at anytime to keep your hormones happy


Access to PCOS Training Videos -
(Value $449)

Group coaching videos covering top tips, tricks and hints to reverse PCOS


Lifetime Access & Support -- (Priceless)

Get lifetime access to the training portal and all future PCOS updates 

In the PCOS Ultimate Healing Program, we leave no stone unturned. 

We delve deep into the root causes of PCOS, empowering you with knowledge that will transform your understanding of your body and its intricate workings. We'll uncover the secrets of rebalancing your hormones, revamping your diet, and crafting a lifestyle that supports your journey to healing.

Let's Face It!

PCOS wreaks havoc on your body, mind, and emotions. 

The irregular menstrual cycles, hormonal imbalances, weight management challenges, fertility struggles, and the emotional roller coaster can make you feel like you're fighting an uphill battle every single day. 

It's time to put an end to the silent suffering and start living the life you deserve.

After being told by the doctors there is no ‘cure’ for PCOS I can understand why you might not think it’s possible. I didn’t for years.

But when I realised that PCOS was an inflammatory condition that needed a holistic approach to heal, my entire life changed.

I also realised doctors have no education around nutrition and really have NO idea how to help. Throwing pills at the situation only does more harm than good.

Believe me, after battling for years and finally finding the solution, I can assure you - it is possible to reverse PCOS.

Real People Real Stories...
" I have lost 5 kgs so far within 6 weeks of working with G "

 -Jenna H

" I saw results not just in my body but myself very quickly "

 -Jasmin S

" Understanding your needs - it’s okay to satisfy your cravings! "

 -Nura A

- Taylor Reed

I came across G when I desperately needed help. After trying for a baby for 9 months unsuccessfully back in 2020, I sought help from the medical world taking metformin and chlomid. These did not sit well with me and made me both physically and mentally unwell. Luckily through Georgie’s knowledge and guidance, I have managed to ovulate naturally after 2 months on her 1:1 programme. I feel so much better in myself and have lost 8lbs so far! Georgie is the oracle of everything PCOS and is super motivated to share her knowledge and to help. I will continue to follow everything Georgie has taught me and would recommend her to anyone looking to conquer their PCOS.

- Kirsty Leonard

I am so glad I came across Georgie in my frantic search to try and understand my PCOS better! Georgie has been there, done that and got the T-Shirt which makes her so open, honest and relatable. 
Signing up to 1:1 Coaching was the best decision I could have made, and I am now 7 weeks into my journey and am feeling empowered, in control, energised and best yet... over 1 stone lighter. 
Georgie encourages small changes each week to change your lifestyle once and for all! Not only do I now know what the best choices for.

- Caitlin Joss

Georgie really helped me understand the impact that diet and lifestyle choices we’re having on my PCOS. 
Within a very short time of following her advice I noticed huge changes. For me, one of the greatest things is that the psoriasis that I struggled with for years almost completely vanished. 
It’s been really amazing to see the difference that simple swaps can make. Even though I thought I was fairly healthy in terms of my diet, I was unaware of some of the consequences for my condition.

Claim Your PCOS Party Ultimate Healing Program Today And Start Feeling Like Yourself Again (Lets Face It, It's Cheaper Than A Night Out!)

At this point, you have two options.

  • You can continue on your own, letting PCOS ruin your life 
  • You can grab the PCOS Party Ultimate Coaching Program, implement the super simply strategies inside, and start loving life again!
Here’s just a fraction of what you can expect to gain...


Feel more energized, confident and vibrant everyday. I guide you on exactly what to eat so you can get results, fast! Inside the bundle, you'll find shopping lists, meal ideas, supplement recommendations and workouts ALL to help you start reversing PCOS immediately


Feel more energized, confident and vibrant everyday. I guide you on exactly what to eat so you can get results, fast! Inside the bundle, you'll find shopping lists, meal ideas, supplement recommendations and workouts ALL to help you start reversing PCOS immediately


Discover the exact process I’ve used to take hundreds of clients from sluggish, overweight, and unhappy to feeling in the best shape of their life managing PCOS the natural way


Discover the exact process I’ve used to take hundreds of clients from sluggish, overweight, and unhappy to feeling in the best shape of their life managing PCOS the natural way


Learn to combat the biggest problem women come to me with which keeps them stuck and miserable – no matter what they do! AND get my exact plan and advice on how they've overcome personal challenges with ease


Learn to combat the biggest problem women come to me with which keeps them stuck and miserable – no matter what they do! AND get my exact plan and advice on how they've overcome personal challenges with ease

This program isn't for everyone. It is ONLY for women who are serious about managing their PCOS naturally, putting their health first and who are willing to follow my steps, be patient and remain consistent. If that sounds like you, click the button below and get the immediate access now, it will likely change your life forever...

Note From Georgie

I won’t lie, I genuinely burst into tears when I finally understood how to reverse my PCOS. I remember going back to my GP who was completely shocked. No black dots on my ovaries from the ultrasound and my hormone levels were back to normal. There were literally no signs left in my body that I had PCOS, after being told for years 'there was no cure'.

I now have one mission in life and thats to help as many other women with PCOS not go through what I did, and to make the road to recovery as easy as possible.
It’s taken me months of late nights, fights with the laptop (as I am definitely no tech Wizz), hours of reading and researching into the depths of PCOS and more qualifications all to give you this.

And I can’t tell you how excited I am for you… Life is so short my girls and you don’t deserve to live it feeling frustrated, unhappy and alone. You deserve to be happy, healthy, strong and PCOS free. I promise this bundle is the perfect starting point for your journey.

So what are you waiting for my darling? Invest in your health now and enjoy life how its meant to be - The PCOS free way. 

YES - I Want Instant Access To The



  • 62 lessons with the step by step process to reverse PCOS.............(Value $497)
  • Over 200 minutes of video recorded PCOS advice from G............(Value $497)
  • The first EASY changes you can make to lose weight.....................(Value $297)
  • 250+ PCOS super friendly recipes...................................................(Value $197)
  • 100+ PCOS specific Workouts..........................................................(Value $299)
  • The four phases of the menstrual cycle............................................(Value $97) 
  • PCOS Juice cleanses........................................................................(Value $99)
  • PCOS Party Food To Enjoy & Avoid...................................................(Value $97)
  • The correct supplements you need for PCOS...................................(Value $97)
  • How to reverse Insulin Resistance.....................................................(Value $97)
  • How to get Pregnant with PCOS.......................................................(Value $147)
  • The secrets to glowing skin...............................................................(Value $47)
  • How to improve your productivity and energy instantly....................(Value $97)
  • Weekly coaching calls.......................................................................(Priceless)
  • FREE! BONUSES ...............................................................................(Value $696)



Now $47/m $27.99/month


YES - I Want Instant Access To The



  • 62 lessons with the step by step process to reverse PCOS.(Value $497)
  • Over 200 minutes of video recorded PCOS advice from G.......(Value $497)
  • The first EASY changes you can make to lose weight.................(Value $297)
  • 250+ PCOS super friendly recipes.............................(Value $197)
  • 100+ PCOS specific Workouts.........................(Value $299)
  • The four phases of the menstrual cycle..................................(Value $97) 
  • PCOS Juice cleanses........(Value $99)
  • PCOS Party Food To Enjoy & Avoid.................................(Value $97)
  • The correct supplements you need for PCOS................................(Value $97)
  • How to reverse Insulin Resistance.........................(Value $97)
  • How to get Pregnant with PCOS...............................(Value $147)
  • The secrets to glowing skin....................................(Value $47)
  • How to improve your productivity and energy instantly................(Value $97)
  • Weekly coaching calls.................................(Priceless)
  • FREE! BONUSES ............(Value $696)



Now $47/m $27.99/month


Note From Georgie

I won’t lie, I genuinely burst into tears when I finally understood how to reverse my PCOS. I remember going back to my GP who was completely shocked. No black dots on my ovaries from the ultrasound and my hormone levels were back to normal. There were literally no signs left in my body that I had PCOS, after being told for years 'there was no cure'.

I now have one mission in life and thats to help as many other women with PCOS not go through what I did, and to make the road to recovery as easy as possible.
It’s taken me months of late nights, fights with the laptop (as I am definitely no tech Wizz), hours of reading and researching into the depths of PCOS and more qualifications all to give you this.

And I can’t tell you how excited I am for you… Life is so short my girls and you don’t deserve to live it feeling frustrated, unhappy and alone. You deserve to be happy, healthy, strong and PCOS free. I promise this bundle is the perfect starting point for your journey.

So what are you waiting for my darling? Invest in your health now and enjoy life how its meant to be - The PCOS free way. 
85% Of Ladies With PCOS Will Never Lose Weight or Heal Correctly Without The Right Help
Sadly, 85% of women will never be able to fully understand how to heal PCOS due to a lack of education and awareness. Your GP is not a PCOS expert, and taking medication can just make things worse. It’s not their fault, they just haven’t been taught how diet and lifestyle are what it's all about and how simple reversing PCOS can be. 

I can show you exactly what I did to reverse all my symptoms and how my clients were able to do exactly the same, using my proven strategies. Grab your PCOS Party Ultimate Coaching Program today to see how you can get the same results, and do it much faster than you ever thought was possible.
Are You Ready To Put Your Health First, Reverse Your PCOS Symptoms And Feel Happy In Your Own Skin Again?
Frequently Asked Questions
  • When I make the payment, what will happen next?
    Once the payment is made, you’ll automatically get an email giving you FULL access! You can get started right away. If you have any problems, please email
  • Will this really work, when I've literally tried everything?
    I’m sorry you feel this way and I can totally relate. I think I spent over $5000 on silly fad diets in my years! I can promise you, that this will give you the education and tools to finally understand how to eat for your PCOS and build habits so it becomes second nature. You will learn so much about your body, what’s driving your symptoms and how to reverse them. Not only this but it's full of recipes, workouts, and shopping lists that you can keep and use forever!
  • I'm vegetarian/vegan - will this work for me?
    Yes absolutely, most of my recipes are plant-based and my shopping lists are packed with alternatives depending on your preference. This isn’t a strict meal plan as its not sustainable and something I don't believe in (as they aren't fun!) I give you the tools to make any situation work!
  • Do I need a laptop/desktop to access it?
    Nope, you can use any device, anywhere – phone too!
  • How much time will I need?
    It’s a self-paced course, so you can go as slow or as fast as you like. There is a lot of information to take in, so I would advice to do a few chapters a week and really taking it all in. Write some notes if you want, I find that helps your brain store information better! The good thing is this course is yours for life, so you can come back to it whenever you need it.
  • Will I get support throughout?
    I will be available by email or a private community to answer any questions you may have throughout, or pop me a DM on insta!
  • We are trying to have a baby – will this course help?
    Absolutely! It couldn’t be more of a perfect time to change your diet and lifestyle to support your hormones. You want to make sure your body is in optimum condition when trying to conceive, and this course will help you do exactly that. Please also remember our chances of a miscarriage are much higher with PCOS (40%!!) so eating correctly and supporting your pregnancy is incredibly important - and this bundle will do just that. 

P.S. Remember, this membership is only open for a limited time. I am confident in the value I am offering at such a nominal price because I want you to get started. If you're feeling exhausted and spending all your money on products that are not helping your symptoms, then THIS IS FOR YOU!

Act fast and start feeling like yourself again!

I called my business It’s a PCOS Party for a reason. Life is to be enjoyed and to fill it with fun and happiness. I want YOU to take control of your health, regain your confidence and join me on this magical journey inside. 

Life really should be one big party after all!

Frequently Asked Questions
  • When I make the payment, what will happen next?
    Once the payment is made, you’ll automatically get an email giving you FULL access! You can get started right away. If you have any problems, please email
  • Will this really work, when I've literally tried everything?
    I’m sorry you feel this way and I can totally relate. I think I spent over $5000 on silly fad diets in my years! I can promise you, that this will give you the education and tools to finally understand how to eat for your PCOS and build habits so it becomes second nature. You will learn so much about your body, what’s driving your symptoms and how to reverse them. Not only this but it's full of recipes, workouts, and shopping lists that you can keep and use forever!
  • I'm vegetarian/vegan - will this work for me?
    Yes absolutely, most of my recipes are plant-based and my shopping lists are packed with alternatives depending on your preference. This isn’t a strict meal plan as its not sustainable and something I don't believe in (as they aren't fun!) I give you the tools to make any situation work!
  • Do I need a laptop/desktop to access it?
    Nope, you can use any device, anywhere – phone too!
  • How much time will I need?
    It’s a self-paced course, so you can go as slow or as fast as you like. There is a lot of information to take in, so I would advice to do a few chapters a week and really taking it all in. Write some notes if you want, I find that helps your brain store information better! The good thing is this course is yours for life, so you can come back to it whenever you need it.
  • Will I get support throughout?
    I will be available by email or a private community to answer any questions you may have throughout, or pop me a DM on insta!
  • We are trying to have a baby – will this course help?
    Absolutely! It couldn’t be more of a perfect time to change your diet and lifestyle to support your hormones. You want to make sure your body is in optimum condition when trying to conceive, and this course will help you do exactly that. Please also remember our chances of a miscarriage are much higher with PCOS (40%!!) so eating correctly and supporting your pregnancy is incredibly important - and this bundle will do just that. 
  • Can I cancel the membership?
    Yes, you can cancel anytime. Just email at

P.S. Remember, this membership is only open for a limited time. I am confident in the value I am offering at such a nominal price because I want you to get started. If you're feeling exhausted and spending all your money on products that are not helping your symptoms, then THIS IS FOR YOU!

Act fast and start feeling like yourself again!

I called my business It’s a PCOS Party for a reason. Life is to be enjoyed and to fill it with fun and happiness. I want YOU to take control of your health, regain your confidence and join me on this magical journey inside. 

Life really should be one big party after all!


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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook™, YouTube ™, or Google ™ in any way.
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